Mikey Thompson Heralded As Greatest Basketball Player Of All Time


In what Michael Jordan will certainly see as a slap to the face (mainly because he sees everything as a slap to the face), little Mikey Thompson from Radcliffe, New Jersey is being heralded as the greatest basketball player of all time.

This has been a busy week for Mikey Thompson: as you might remember, Mike Thompson was selected by the New York Jets to be their starting quarterback on Tuesday. But he soon pulled out of the deal, citing disorganization in the team and the fact that he would have to play in New Jersey. “It smells” he said. (https://clavinnotes.wordpress.com/2013/02/12/smiths-fan-of-thirty-years-stops-listening-to-the-smiths/)

After giving up on football, Mikey and his friend Greg decided to play a game of pickup basketball. Mikey hurt his ankle after two minutes, but in that time, he made all of his two shots. An NBA scout was watching the game and quickly phoned his bosses as ESPN. They sent their whole fleet of reporters to Mikey’s house to cover what they claim to be the greatest basketball player who ever lived.

ESPN Countdown with Magic Johnson, Jalen Rose, Bill Simmons and Michael Wilbon set up in his backyard.

Said Bill Simmons, “I’ve honestly never seen anything like this. This kid is shooting 100%. Not even Michael Jordan ever shot this well. I think he could be the greatest player of all time.”

Magic Johnson agreed, adding, “you know what, Bill, what I liked most about this kid was how he distributed the ball. Yeah, people say he only took two shots, but that’s because he passed to his friend Greg, over and over again. That’s the type of unselfishness that makes me agree with you, he’s already shown enough of his stuff to say that he’s the best player of all time.”

Michael Wilbon added, “I agree Magic. I won’t say that he’s better than Michael yet, I think he needs to play at least one game in the NBA before I go THAT far, but… he’s close. Hopefully Derrick Rose gets injured again when Mikey’s coming out into the NBA, then we tank a little and can select him in the draft.”

Bill Simmons interrupted him by saying, “I’m glad you said that Michael, because I wanted to address this point. I don’t understand why he has to wait six years to join the NBA. I think he’s ready now. It’s a shameful system where he’s forced to play in middle school and high school and college, for what? To bolster the pockets of the PTA? It’s a disgrace.”

Jalen Rose sat there, grinning the whole time.

Mikey wasn’t able to be reached for comment because it was after 10PM and he had to wake up for school the next day, but his mother said he’s happy about the praise. She says he’s hopeful that this will convince Sally McKinnon to go to the eighth grade dance with him. She’s currently going with Johnny Jones, a fifteen-year-old who has a pool table in his basement.

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